12 2018 Real 1-on-1 Chinese tutoring online by: ChineseHour | date: 2018-12-31 Real 1-on-1 Chinese tutoring online Online learning is a good solution for many Chinese learners. The popular teaching method is 1-on-1 service. Do you know what is the real meaning of 1-on-1? Many people think 1-on-1 means 1 teacher and 1 student during a class. You can call it 1-on-1 and most sites offer service in this way but it is not the real one. The real 1-on-1 service should be 1 student with a fixed teacher. That means the student will have a fixed teacher during his learning period. Just like in the schools, some fixed teachers will be responsible for the teaching of students in a period of time. More benefits will bring to students in this mode: Your teacher understands you much better, The cooperation between student and teacher is more privacy, The efficiency of learning is much higher, The learning interest is ensured for kids. Before start learning Chinese online, you have to understand the mode of 1-on-1 offered by the site. 1-to-1 Online Tutoring by Fixed Teacher! Increase Performance 25%!